Yes. All our products are genuine and sourced from reputable suppliers. Korean beauty items are imported directly from Korea with daily shipments to our Hong Kong warehouse where orders are fulfilled and shipped out.
Beauty brands develop new formulas and occasionally change product packaging to follow market trends. As such, a product may change packaging or have a slightly different texture when new formulas or versions are released.
Please refer to the Korean - English translation below and check the dates marked on the product container or outer packaging. Some products may only be marked with manufacture dates, and are expected to expire within one (1) year of opening.
Some of our brands have claimed their products have been notified on CPNP or SCPN. If the specific product has been CPNP/SCPN-notified according to the brand, you will see a CPNP or SCPN icon on the product page.
Currently, we don’t have a list of CPNP/SCPN-notified products, but you can easily find products that brands claim are CPNP/SCPN-notified by filtering using the “Featured” menu on the side of the page.
Buying products that are claimed to be CPNP/SCPN-notified does not guarantee that you will not encounter issues with customs or other related parties. As the importer, you are responsible for customs clearance processing of your order. It's recommended that you check with your local customs office regarding importation from overseas territories. Some customs authorities may require that recipients present an import license or other related documentation when releasing shipments for delivery.
We do not offer refunds or returns in cases involving allergic reactions or adverse skin conditions due to products that we sell.
As each person's skin can react differently to beauty or skin care products, we advise customers to carefully check product information or ingredient lists before purchasing. Customers can also seek more detailed product information on the websites of the beauty or skin care brands that we carry.
Provided product quantity is only an estimate for your reference. ABW cannot guarantee the actual quantity per box due to packaging adjustments and other circumstances.
1. What type of foundation should I get for my skin type?
Dry skin types should use liquid or cream foundation.Normal to dry skin types should use liquid or cream foundation.Normal to oily skin types should use oil-free/oil-controlling liquid or powder. Oily skin types should use oil-free/oil-controlling liquid or powder with a matte finish.
2. What is the shelf life of makeup items after they have been opened?
Though it's not listed on the container, makeup does have an "expiration date." Exposure to air, bacteria, and light causes makeup to deteriorate over time. Try to store makeup in a cool, dry, and dark location, and wash hands and brushes/puffs before use to minimize contamination. Other than being less effective, makeup past its shelf life can cause skin irritation and breakouts. Be especially careful about eye makeup, as eyes are more susceptible to infection. It is best to regularly clear out your cosmetics bag. If the item has an odor or has changed color/consistency, it is definitely time to dispose of it.
Most beauty products should have a 3-year shelf life starting from their manufacturing date, and should be used within 1 year after being opened. Certain types of products may have a longer or shorter shelf life. Please refer to the specific product details or packaging for further information.
3. What are the different cover makeup items for?
Dry skin types should use liquid or cream foundation.Normal to dry skin types should use liquid or cream foundation.Normal to oily skin types should use oil-free/oil-controlling liquid or powder. Oily skin types should use oil-free/oil-controlling liquid or powder with a matte finish.
2. What is the shelf life of makeup items after they have been opened?
Though it's not listed on the container, makeup does have an "expiration date." Exposure to air, bacteria, and light causes makeup to deteriorate over time. Try to store makeup in a cool, dry, and dark location, and wash hands and brushes/puffs before use to minimize contamination. Other than being less effective, makeup past its shelf life can cause skin irritation and breakouts. Be especially careful about eye makeup, as eyes are more susceptible to infection. It is best to regularly clear out your cosmetics bag. If the item has an odor or has changed color/consistency, it is definitely time to dispose of it.
Most beauty products should have a 3-year shelf life starting from their manufacturing date, and should be used within 1 year after being opened. Certain types of products may have a longer or shorter shelf life. Please refer to the specific product details or packaging for further information.
3. What are the different cover makeup items for?
1. What are the different skincare products for?
This chart serves merely as a guide for general use. Many brands offer combined products, and different products may have different functions and recommended usage. Read the product information and instructions for each item carefully before application.
2. What are UVA and UVB?
UVA and UVB are ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun that can cause damage to skin. Ultraviolet-A (UVA) are long-wave rays that penetrate deep into skin and cause aging effects such as wrinkles. Ultraviolet-B (UVB) are short-wave rays that cause tanning and sunburns. UVB is more directly linked to skin cancer, but UVA also has cancer-causing effects.
3. What does SPF mean? And what SPF sunscreen should I use?
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor and it is a measure of how long a sunscreen protects against UVB rays. The higher the SPF, the greater the protection. Note, however, that the scale is not proportional: SPF 30 provides around 3% more protection than SPF 15, not twice as much.
For normal daily activities, a sunscreen with an SPF of 15-25 is adequate. For those engaging in prolonged outdoor activities, such as swimming and hiking, a higher SPF is recommended. People who have more sensitive (easily sunburned) skin should also seek higher SPF products. Sunscreen should be applied at least 20 minutes before exposure to sun and reapplied every 2 hours and after swimming. Skin is at risk from UV rays even on cloudy days, so it is best to always wear sunscreen when outdoors.
4. What is PA?
PA stands for protection grade. It is a measure used by Japanese skin care products to determine how well a sunscreen protects against UVA rays. There are 3 grades - PA+, PA++, and PA+++ - in that order of protection. PA++ is adequate for normal protection. PA+++ is recommended for extended sunlight exposure and sensitive skin types.
This chart serves merely as a guide for general use. Many brands offer combined products, and different products may have different functions and recommended usage. Read the product information and instructions for each item carefully before application.
2. What are UVA and UVB?
UVA and UVB are ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun that can cause damage to skin. Ultraviolet-A (UVA) are long-wave rays that penetrate deep into skin and cause aging effects such as wrinkles. Ultraviolet-B (UVB) are short-wave rays that cause tanning and sunburns. UVB is more directly linked to skin cancer, but UVA also has cancer-causing effects.
3. What does SPF mean? And what SPF sunscreen should I use?
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor and it is a measure of how long a sunscreen protects against UVB rays. The higher the SPF, the greater the protection. Note, however, that the scale is not proportional: SPF 30 provides around 3% more protection than SPF 15, not twice as much.
For normal daily activities, a sunscreen with an SPF of 15-25 is adequate. For those engaging in prolonged outdoor activities, such as swimming and hiking, a higher SPF is recommended. People who have more sensitive (easily sunburned) skin should also seek higher SPF products. Sunscreen should be applied at least 20 minutes before exposure to sun and reapplied every 2 hours and after swimming. Skin is at risk from UV rays even on cloudy days, so it is best to always wear sunscreen when outdoors.
4. What is PA?
PA stands for protection grade. It is a measure used by Japanese skin care products to determine how well a sunscreen protects against UVA rays. There are 3 grades - PA+, PA++, and PA+++ - in that order of protection. PA++ is adequate for normal protection. PA+++ is recommended for extended sunlight exposure and sensitive skin types.
An item’s availability time is determined by the item’s supplier and is usually accurate. However, it may take longer to obtain particular items if supplies become scarce, or if the items need to be manufactured again. In these cases, we must apologize as it will take longer than the stated availability time for the supplier to provide us with the items.
Certain products available from AsianBeautyWholesale may have printed labels with the following terms: 견본품 (Sample), 비매품 (Not for Sale) or 증정용(Gift) . They may even be marked “Not for Sale” in English.
These products are considered samples in Korea and are not to be sold to consumers in Korea. However, they are permitted for sale in countries or regions where there are no such prohibitions.
Please note that products marked견본품 (Sample), 비매품 (Not for Sale), 증정용(Gift) or “Not for Sale” in English cannot be returned or refunded.
These products are considered samples in Korea and are not to be sold to consumers in Korea. However, they are permitted for sale in countries or regions where there are no such prohibitions.
Please note that products marked견본품 (Sample), 비매품 (Not for Sale), 증정용(Gift) or “Not for Sale” in English cannot be returned or refunded.
The words "Duty Free" do not represent that the product is different from products not marked “Duty Free”, or that the product is exempt from customs-related taxes or fees in your countries. Please note that products marked "Duty Free" cannot be returned or refunded.
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