For credit card orders, we charge your card for the total order amount upon order approval. After order approval, if you add new items to your order, another charge will be made to your credit card corresponding to the new items and the updated shipping weight of your order. If your order has not yet been shipped, and items from your order are cancelled, we can replace your cancelled items in the same order. In these cases, the replacement items must be of equal or lesser value than the cancelled items. If a replacement item is of greater value than a cancelled item, an extra charge will be made for the difference between the cancelled item and the replacement item.
For other payment methods such as PayPal or Bank Transfer you may contact Customer Service for assistance.
Replacing items will delay the processing of your order. If your order has already been shipped out, we cannot replace or add items to your order.
For other payment methods such as PayPal or Bank Transfer you may contact Customer Service for assistance.
Replacing items will delay the processing of your order. If your order has already been shipped out, we cannot replace or add items to your order.
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